Historical and Timeline Endpoint Request Differences

I was wondering if the Timeline endpoint offers access to sub-hourly data like the Historical endpoint does?

Also, I have the following requests which should generate the same response. The temperature values match, however, the historical end point generates some null values for wind gust, wind speed and wind direction. The timeline request does not appear to have these gaps. I am wondering where the differences lies as it appears the same four stations are used to generate the data. 

Historical Endpoint
https://weather.visualcrossing.com/VisualCrossingWebServices/rest/services/weatherdata/history?location=53.079,-0.813&startDateTime=2022-03-24T00:00:00&endDateTime=2022-03-25T00:00:00&dayStartTime=00:00:00&dayEndTime=23:59:59&aggregateHours=1&collectStationContribution=True&unitGroup=metric&outputDateTimeFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss&contentType=csv&key=YOUR_API_KEY

Timeline Endpoint

Many thanks in advance

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