I am writing my code for an Arduino ESP8266. I am trying to access the server (weather.visualcrossing.com) on port 80. I am getting no response. Certificates on these types of devices are awkward. Is there anyway to access via http?
1 comment
info Official comment Unfortunately, for security reasons, our API is only accessible via HTTPS. While devices like Arduino can make certificate use difficult, based on various articles, it does seem to be possible to use certificates successfully. While we are not Arduino experts, if you are able to figure this out and would be willing to write a brief technote that we could post on our website to help anyone in the future who has this same question, we would gladly reward you with additional free weather data for your efforts. If you are interested in this offer, please email our support team at support@visualcrossing.com. In any case, best wishes on your Arduino weather project.
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