I have the free account with 1,000 daily queries. When that number has been reached, is there a particular message that is returned in response to a query?
I have the free account with 1,000 daily queries. When that number has been reached, is there a particular message that is returned in response to a query?
Thank you for your question. Successful requests will return an HTTP response code 200. Unsuccessful will typically receive a 4XX or 5XX response code. In the case of overage error messages, we normally return a 429 error code but other error code may occur.
See the API docs for some of the possible HTTP response codes: https://www.visualcrossing.com/resources/documentation/weather-api/timeline-weather-api/
In addition, the body the response will normally include additional error information indicating the cause of the error. We do not recommend parsing or processing the response body itself to identify the exact error as the error text may change.
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