historysummary end point returns 400 with no details

I'm trying to use the historysummary end point using the sample api call found here:


I copied and pasted the sample into a fetch request in a simple node app.js file. I copied and pasted my key into the request but changed nothing else. When I run the fetch it returns a 400 error with no information on what is missing. 

I was able to run the other 2 api request samples on that page with no issue.

I also tried creating my own request url using the parameter details under the sample but that gives a 400 as well. 

Also, the sample uses "aggregateHours" as a parameter but that isn't even listed as a possible parameter. And "locationMode" is listed as a required parameter and isn't in the sample. 

Can someone please link a working sample historysummary api request?


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