Hi - hope this is a suitable place to ask the following:
Having just signed up for the 1000 record free account, I watched the youtube video "How to Build Your First Weather API Query" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7y63udtgN8 )
I wish to download 1000 free hourly records per day in order to gain a few years history in order to better size an air to air heat pump for my domestic dwelling (to create an hourly load duration curve).
Do I simply limit the from/to date in each API query to a 41 day period (i.e. less than 1000/24 = 41.67) in order to download 984 csv records (i.e. 41x24) per day so that the limit is not breached and subsequent $0.0001 /record occurs.
I did not find this article particularly clear on the topic: