After I import my locations, go to another page and back to the query builder, I have to reimport. How can I save my location on the web site so the locations are always there?
info Official comment You locations are not stored when you simply run a query in Query Builder. However, our bulk data functionality including our scheduler capability does allow you to save locations for later execution. You can read more about this functionality in our article here -
Thank you
Tony Why doesn't it save it? It's a simple thing to save it in LocalStorage area in the browser so that if the user goes to another page on the site, they don't lose their hard work. It's going to be super annoying if I take half an hour manually entering the data, click on another link and find out I lost all my data! Every app gives you the ability to save your work. The link you posted is about how to use the builder. It's quite long. I haven't read it all and I bet there's nothing in there that warns the user they will lose their data if they switch to another page. Pages should be easy to use without reading manuals.
info The article shows you how to set up a saved query and use that query for later refresh or scheduling. If you wish to be able to save your query for later execution, you will find it valuable to read that article. In addition, I'll pass your concern along to our engineering team to consider way to make saving multiple locations more automatic in a future release.