I've noticed a discrepancy between the solar radiation data and the sunrise/sunset times for my site. For instance, on March 10 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the sunlit hours are from 6:21 AM to 6:07 PM, but the solar radiation data with positive values is from 6 AM to 5 PM. After reviewing your website's explanation of how the metrics are calculated over time periods, it appears that the solar radiation data supposed to represent instantaneous values at the indicated times. Can you please clarify this issue?
1 comment
Support Agent Official comment In the Timeline API, solar values are not instantaneous. Instead, the value given represents the average over the past hour. If you still believe that you are seeing incorrect values, please send the details including your exact query URL to our support team (support@visualcrossing.com) and we can investigate further. To help you in reporting data questions, we have prepared this article that will guide you regarding the data that you should submit - https://www.visualcrossing.com/resources/documentation/weather-data/i-think-that-im-seeing-bad-weather-data-what-should-i-do/ Please make sure to submit your query URL and any other relevant details, and our support team can look into the issue in more detail.
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