Weather API uploaded into Power Bi will not allow automated refresh in Power Bi

Hi all

I have uploaded through Power Query forecast data for several cities using the API with CSV--I followed the instructions and used the web with an anonymous login and no credentials checked.  This worked fine.  Once I combined the queries into one so that they would all be in the same table and published the file back to Power Bi--this works as well.  However, when I try to manually refresh ( my goal is to have this refresh one time a day in Power Bi) it fails--this is the error.

Data source error: {"error": {"code": "SSAS_ShortMessage_ProcessingError","pbi.error": {"code": "SSAS_ShortMessage_ProcessingError","parameters": {},"details": [],"exceptionCulprit": 1}}} Table: Gas Forecast Cities.
Cluster URI: WABI-US-CENTRAL-B-PRIMARY-redirect.analysis.windows.net
Activity ID: 577bc6cd-e26b-45f5-b6c6-b3683c62f7e6
Request ID: 3f39c562-2c04-eaa4-3faa-e5ef74338dc4
Time: 2023-09-16 19:01:58Z

In Power BI I created a gateway connection for each city that the forecast was for.

The table Gas Forecast Cities is the query that I used to combine all the cities in the same table.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to work?  

Thank you


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