Is these other better way to get a stable and complete list of weather stations in a particular department such as Paris,pls?
I found the objet stations from weather API query but it changes in searching period(below screen shot)
Thanks in advance
Support Agent Official comment Unfortunately, there is no “stable and complete” list of global weather stations. The station list changes constantly as new stations are brought online and old stations are retired. The best way to know the available stations for a specific location and date range is to make the query and look at our station output. You can do this via our Weather History dashboard (https://www.visualcrossing.com/weather-history) as well as the weather API itself. The Weather History Dashboard has the advantage of having a map that shows exactly where the stations are located relative to the query location.
However, we do have a station list that we maintain for various internal purposes. We don’t make it openly available because it isn’t something that we maintain in a direct, user-friendly way. However, if you reach out to our support team at support@visualcrossing.com, they provide you with a recent snapshot. We are considering providing more station-related options in our API in the future. However, these would likely continue our system of station details based at a specific location and time vs. trying to publish some form of constantly updated complete list.
aung banthar Okay